Wife Accuses Wealthy Husband of Unpaid Child Support

The determination of child support payments is an important decision in the divorce process of Georgia parents. Support payments allow a child to be supported financially by both of their parents, regardless of the custody arrangement in place or the financial means of the parents.

The divorce between a wealthy investment banker and his former wife has become even more heated than it when it began. The man earns around $4 million per year, yet his wife alleges that he is behind in child support payments and intentionally refuses to pay for relatively small costs related to their children. The former couple was married for ten years and has four children together, whom the mother has primary custody of. She claims that he owes $16,000 in unpaid child support and has refused to pay for school uniforms for the children, class pictures and a birthday party.

When parents divorce and one of the parents is granted primary physical custody of the children, they are known as the custodial parent. The other parent, the non-custodial parent, may be required to pay some of their income for child support to help the custodial parent with the costs of raising children. Each state has its own guidelines and criteria for the amount of child support that should be paid in each case. In Georgia, this amount is determined by applying the shared-income approach. Under this method, a court takes into account the incomes of both parents, as well as the costs associated with raising children such as health insurance and daycare. The court then uses these factors to find an amount on a rate table that will meet the needs of the children.

Child support creates an arrangement where a child can be supported financially by both parents and allows the parents to share the costs related to raising children. Parents should be aware of their rights and obligations regarding child support. A family law attorney can guide a parent through the child support process and help them achieve the best arrangement for all parties involved.

Source: New York Post, "She wants 'cold' NHL scion to pay $32G a month," Lorena Mangelli and Julia Marsh, Dec. 10, 2013

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