Juvenile Defense Lawyer
With a experienced Juvenile Justice Attorney on your team, you can fight to keep your child's record clean.
Youthful indiscretions that result in a criminal charge should not change the course of a young person's life. Poor decisions leading to horrible mistakes become part of their criminal record. That information in a background check can affect a future academic pursuit or career advancement.
The human brain is not fully developed until a person reaches age 25. Unfortunately, the last part of the brain to finish developing is the part that controls impulse. There is a huge difference in the way the child's brain is working when it reacts to impulse as opposed to rational and logical thought. If your child acted impulsively while hanging out with the wrong crowd, the punishment should not be as severe as if there was a plan in advance.
If the crime your baby is charged with is severe enough, the State could even upgrade the charges and ask that your child be charged as an adult. At that instant, you need an experienced lawyer who understands the major differences in an adult's brain and a child's brain. You need an attorney who has spent time talking with your child and listening to what happened. By communicating in advance your lawyer will understand the thought process and be equipped with the facts to fight for your child's rights.
At Daniels & Taylor, P.C., our attorneys understand what is at stake for a child under the age of 18. Juvenile crimes are anything but minor.
WE CAN HELP YOU! Contact our Lawrenceville law office at (770) 285-1673.
Aggressive Advocacy for Juveniles Charged With Serious Crimes
At Daniels & Taylor, P.C., we focus on the best outcome of a juvenile criminal charge both now and long into the future. Our attorneys provide aggressive representation for juveniles when they have been charged with the following:
- Underage drinking
- Theft
- Vandalism
- Gang-related activities
- Assault and battery
A Second Chance at a Promising Future
We fight hard for your child to get a second chance. They must recognize the severity of their actions and cooperate in getting their life back on track. A bright future can be easily snuffed out following an arrest and life-altering conviction, especially if the minor is charged as an adult. They need a seasoned spokesperson to protect their rights. They need an aggressive advocate who will pursue sealing of the records or outright expungement.
Contact Us
From our office in Lawrenceville, our lawyers represent clients in communities throughout Gwinnett County, Georgia. Call us at (770) 285-1673 or contact us by email to arrange a consultation with one of our experienced Lawrenceville juvenile crimes defense attorneys today.

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